With multiple rooms and a vaulted brick ceiling the main issue encountered with this project was the combining of different waterproofing systems and methods, achieving the best possible aesthetic outcome.

Build Method

The old brickwork for the basement had at some point in the past been painted white, covering up the natural beauty. The first part of this project was to remove all of the paint to restore the brickwork to it’s natural state – a process involving sand blasting all of the walls and ceiling. It is a very dusty process, so Beautiful Basements, as a basement restoration specialist, created a sealed area with ventilation to stop as much dust as possible from entering the rest of the house.

Waterproofing Method

All external walls and the floor had a cavity drainage membrane (CDM) installed and this was then linked to a series of both underground and perimeter drainage channels that are designed to collect water and divert it to the sump and dual pumping station.

All internal walls and the vaulted ceiling had a chemical damp proof course injected to prevent rising damp and were lapped over with the CDM system to prevent any damp transferring.

All supplied by Triton Systems Ltd.

Location: Cogenhoe - Northampton
Completed: 2018